
Digital Natives and the Workplace

c|net has a nice piece on how "digital natives," that age cohort more commonly labeled "Gen-Y" are impacting the workplace. Why "digital natives":
Why do I call these young computer enthusiasts and organizational activists 'digital natives'? Think about the extraordinary cumulative digital experiences of each of these future leaders: an average of close to 10,000 hours playing video games; more than 200,000 e-mails and instant messages sent and received; nearly 10,000 hours of talking, playing games, and using data on cell phones; more than 20,000 hours spent watching television; almost 500,000 commercials seen--all before they finished college. At most, they've logged only 5,000 hours of book reading.

Interesting stuff. It makes me wonder if we are changing enough in higher-ed to flow with the disruptive change implications of the students filling our classrooms.

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